Thursday, January 6, 2011

podcast # 10: the differences between sadness and depression, the virtues of simplicity,and my envy of the unambitious.

Some quotes from this week's podcast:

"you gotta pay your bills."

"actually I don't know where i'm going, and that's fine. I don't care - I don't have any anxiety about that."

"I envy people who are simple."

"I'm the type of guy If I had everything, if I had everything that I wanted I would still sit there and go I don't know, something's missing, I need something else and I don't know what it is."

"Issues of substance and meaning can only be solved by the spiritual."

"that's what life's all about, going to sleep when you're tired, eating food when you're hungry."

"I envy people who have no ambition those people are so happy."

"there's something to be said for just enjoying a sandwich."

"there's some people who seem to have absolutely no meaning to their life whatsoever - and they dont care."

click play below to enjoy podcast number 10 in it's entirety:


  1. Hey R.A.W I was wondering if you could do a bit of advertising for me just by mentioning me at the end of your podcasts or wherever you see fit...if you could just tell people about my blogs that would be awesome!! :D

  2. nicely done. oddly inspiring.thank you. will watch through the rest by and by.

  3. thank you.
    I will keep trying to make new ones when I can.
